Sunday, April 21, 2013

We have Royalty in the family!

Hi Everyone!  this weekend we - hubby, my mom and I - made a quick trip to CA.  Our 15 yr old granddaughter - Julia - was participating in the Miss Teen Acton pageant.  

this is exciting stuff!  We are so proud of Julia for wanting to do this.  She is so much braver than her mom or grandma was at the same age!!!  

I had to take a picture of her hair!  oh my goodness.  I wish I had half the thickness she has! 

This is Belle.  Julia's little sister.  She was so excited  for Julia!  

There were table with displays of all the girls.  
the theme was old Hollywood!  She was #3 of 10.

Julia had to give a speech about her and a movie.  she compared her life to Indiana Jones!  She did great!

Now announcing the new Miss Teen Acton!  Julia!
And here is a 4 generation picture.  My daughter Katrina, Julia, my Mother Gwen and Me!  

One of Julia's 1st responsibilities?  to reign with the other Queens at the Antelope Valley Poppy Festival.  what an exciting year these girls will have.  Go Queen Julia!  

We love you sweetie!


1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Julia. What an amazing competition.


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