Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Gunner man is 3!

Our little Gunner man turned 3! I can hardly believe it. we got him a sit and spin. he loves to go in circles and go fast, so this seemed like a perfect fit! I wrapped it in "Cars" wrapping paper and he saw it as soon as he walked in the door. he started carrying around the big box. he just new it was for him...... enjoy.....

I didn't get the pictures in the right order.... oh well.... but our little guy loved his present.....
we love you Gunner man!
grandma and grandpa H.

1 comment:

  1. OMGosh!! I love the third picture - -you can totally see his corny grin that he always has! He's been riding it non stop since we got home - -maybe that's why he crashed early tonight!!


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