Thursday, August 4, 2011

denitst ime...... sigh......

a couple of weeks ago, I started having problems with a tooth. it started becoming cold sensitive. not a good sign. poop! now I really love my dentist. but our insurance changed and had to go looking for another dentist. poop! well, I really lucked out. found a great one! I was able to get in and have Dr. Smith take a look. he thought the molar needed a crown. sigh. as he started working, he felt that I wouldn't need a root canal. it was close call. well, with the temporary, it became more and more cold sensitive. not good at all. by the time I got back to see have the crown seated, the tooth was really bothering me. so I got a root canal. whew, hate those things...... anyway, here is my new molar. haven't had a problem at all. thank you Dr. Smith!!! I am a happy camper....


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