Hi everyone. Life, it gets busy. there is happiness. there is sorrow. there are adventures and there are quiet times......
Yesterday, we buried our 7 year old granddaughter. Sorrow...... My daughter in law was driving a truck. a semi carrying a load of scrap metal blew a tire and lost control. crash it crossed over in the oncoming traffic and hit the truck. Our Maddy died in the crash. Our daughter in law, sustained a bad ankle injury. The grands, minor scratches and bruises. It was a miracle that Elena and the children were spared.
How thankful we are. How sad we are. There have been so many tender mercies shown to our son and his family. there is a go fund account set up for them. dinners brought in, projects finished for them, presents for Christmas, and the list goes on. the community has been wonderful.
In all of this, we have felt our Heavenly Fathers arms wrapped around us.
Yesterday as we drove to the cemetary the national guard were marching along the road. the stopped and stood at attention while we passed. It touched my heart.
at the service the primary children sang a song. we sang I am a child of God , one of my favorite hymns. This song will have a new meaning for me now.
We are Mormon. We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Our faith gives comfort and time will dull the pain.
thanks for listening......
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